Celebrating New Year's Eve Haram In Islam or Merry Christmas By Mufti Me...

Celebrating New Year's Eve Haram In Islam or Merry Christmas By Mufti Menk LEcture 2018
Every year, a large number of Muslims get into the festive spirit and celebrate New Year’s day. Whether it’s Facebook status updates, Twitter messages or even holding New Year’s Eve parties – many Muslims (especially, but not exclusively in the West) go the whole 9 yards when it comes to ringing in the New Year. But is this a harmless cultural practice with no faith based significance or a step in the wrong direction? I believe that it is the latter. Celebrating New Year's Eve Haram In Islam or Merry Christmas By Mufti Menk LEcture 2018

Celebrating New Year's Eve Haram In Islam or Merry Christmas By Mufti Menk LEcture 2018Here are 4 reasons why I believe that Muslims should not celebrate the New Year:

Celebrating New Year's Eve Haram In Islam or Merry Christmas By Mufti Menk LEcture 2018 4. IT IS TECHNICALLY INACCURATE AND PAGAN
As Muslims, we have our own calendar that has been in constant use for 1400 years. Even though we may end up using the Gregorian calendar due to circumstances beyond our control, we know for a fact that Allah has ordained the use of the lunar calendar for us in our worship. According to our Hijri calendar (initiated by the great Sahaaba Umar raḍyAllāhu 'anha (may Allāh be pleased with her), the new year actually begins on the first of Muharram. To learn more about it click here.Celebrating New Year's Eve Haram In Islam or Merry Christmas By Mufti Menk LEcture 2018

Celebrating New Year's Eve Haram In Islam or Merry Christmas By Mufti Menk LEcture 2018 The Gregorian calendar (so called because it was developed by Pope Gregory) decided on the 1st of January as the New Year to celebrate the circumcision of Jesus. Its origin – like so many modern-day holidays – lies in the pagan Roman festivals associated with Janus – the two headed deity who symbolised change.Celebrating New Year's Eve Haram In Islam or Merry Christmas By Mufti Menk LEcture 2018

Celebrating New Year's Eve Haram In Islam or Merry Christmas By Mufti Menk LEcture 2018 3. WHAT EXACTLY IS THERE TO CELEBRATE?
Any celebration by Muslims needs to be put into context of the local and global situation of our fellow human beings. The two Eids amply do so by encouraging prayers, duaa for those suffering and alms to the needy. However, celebrating the New Year does no such thing.Celebrating New Year's Eve Haram In Islam or Merry Christmas By Mufti Menk LEcture 2018

It is a celebration that is cut off from the reality of the rest of the Ummah. The starvation in Somalia, the murder in Syria, the imprisonment of Gaza, the ethnic cleansing of Burma – celebrating the New Year is pretty much exactly the opposite of the “fever and wakefulness” that the Prophet ṣallallāhu 'alayhi wa sallam (peace and blessings of Allāh be upon him) spoke about when he said we were like one body.

Celebrating New Year's Eve Haram In Islam or Merry Christmas By Mufti Menk LEcture 2018 1. IT IS AGAINST THE SPIRIT OF ISLAM
I am well aware that there is a difference of opinion on this matter between scholars, and I respect that. However, there are a few points I’d make to that.

Firstly, the number of scholars who condone the celebration of the New Year are in the minority.
Celebrating New Year's Eve Haram In Islam or Merry Christmas By Mufti Menk LEcture 2018
Secondly, the scholars who do condone it almost never actually celebrate the New Year themselves or with their families – at least not in public – showing that even though they may believe it acceptable, it is not preferable.

Thirdly, many of them predicate their views based on a number of caveats – that it is no longer a pagan or Christian ritual, that it is good dawah to non-Muslims and that it not involve any un-Islamic element. Most of these caveats are difficult to satisfy adequately.
Celebrating New Year's Eve Haram In Islam or Merry Christmas By Mufti Menk LEcture 2018
This is meant to be a gentle reminder and not a harsh rebuke. It would be against the spirit of Islam to not show kindness and respect to non-Muslims. We are encouraged to be warm and welcoming, not least because it will attract others to our faith. By the same token, it is against the spirit of Islam to do any of the above by subordinating our own faith, culture or heritage. Celebrating New Year's Eve Haram In Islam or Merry Christmas By Mufti Menk LEcture 2018
